#!/bin/bash ## program: ## shows "hello world!" in your screen ## history: ## 2019/8/21 laugh first release ## 2019/8/21 laugh second modify ## 修复了在./下执行时路径找不到的问题;第一行‘#!’为声明使用的shell名称,解释器的作用,并不是注释 PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH echo -e "hello world! \a \n" exit 0
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#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 计算1+2+3+...+100的数值 ## history: ## 2019/8/23 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH s=0 #求和的数值变量 i=0 #累计的数值,就是123等等 while [ "${i}" != "100" ] do i=$(( $i+1 )) s=$(( $s+$i )) done echo "The result of 1+2+3++100 is ==> $s"
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#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 计算从1累加到用户指定的数字为止 ## history: ## 2019/8/23 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH read -p "Please input a number , I will help you to sum 1+2+3+...+your number :" nu s=0 for (( i=1; i<=${nu}; i=i+1 )) do s=$(( ${s} + ${i} )) done echo "1+2+3+4+...+${nu}==>${s}"
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#!/bin/bash #program: #显示用户输入的用户名 #history: #2019/8/22 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH read -p "Please input your first name:" firstname read -p "Please input your last name:" lastname echo -e "\nYour fullname is: ${firstname} ${lastname}"
用if elif else语句实现y/n的选择
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#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 判断输入字符并输出相应信息 ## history: ## 2019/8/22 laugh first ## 2019/8/23 laugh second ## 修改了[]的用法和使用了if判断式 ## 2019/8/23 laugh 3 ## 使用了多重条件判断式 PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N):" yn if [[ ${yn} == "Y" ]] || [[ ${yn} == "y" ]]; then echo "Ok,continue " elif [ "${yn}" == "N" -o "${yn}" == "n" ]; then echo "No,interrupt " else echo "I don't know what your choice is " && exit 0 fi
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#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 判断输入字符并输出相应信息 ## history: ## 2019/8/22 laugh first ## 2019/8/23 laugh second ## 修改了[]的用法和使用了if判断式 PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N):" yn if [[ ${yn} == "Y" ]] || [[ ${yn} == "y" ]]; then echo "Ok,continue " exit 0 fi if [ "${yn}" == "N" -o "${yn}" == "n" ]; then echo "No,interrupt " exit 0 fi echo "I don't know what your choice is " && exit 0
#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 判断输入字符并输出相应信息 ## history: ## 2019/8/22 laugh first ## 2019/8/22 laugh second ## 修改了[]和[[]]还有“”的用法,详情看下面代码 PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N):" yn [[ ${yn} == "Y" ]] || [[ ${yn} == "y" ]] && echo "Ok,continue " && exit 0 [ "${yn}" == "N" -o "${yn}" == "n" ] && echo "No,interrupt " && exit 0 echo "I don't know what your choice is " && exit 0
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#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 计算圆周率Pi ## history: ## 2019/8/22 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH echo -e "This program will calculate pi value. \n" echo -e "You should input a float number to calculate pi value. \n" read -p "The scale number (10~10000) ? " checking num=${checking:-"10"} #检查是否输入数值 echo -e "Starting calcuate pi value. Be patiant." time echo "scale=${num}; 4*a(1)" | bc -lq
#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 倒数还有多长时间退伍 ## history: ## 2019/8/23 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH echo "This program will try to calculate :" echo "How many days before your demobilization date..." read -p "Please input your demobilization date (YYYYMMDD ex>20190823) : " date2 date_d=$(echo ${date2} | grep '[0-9]\{8\}') #利用正则表达式测试是否为八个数字 if [ "${date_d}" == "" ]; then #判断输入字符 echo "You input the wrong date forment..." exit 1 fi #开始计算日期 declare -i date_dem=$( date --date="${date2}" +%s) #退伍日期秒数 declare -i date_now=$( date +%s) #现在日期秒数 declare -i date_total_s=$(( ${date_dem}-${date_now} )) #剩余秒数统计 declare -i date_d=$(( ${date_total_s} /60/60/24 )) #转为日数 if [ "${date_total_s}" -lt "0" ]; then #判断是否已经退伍 echo "You had been demobilization before :" $(( -1*${date_d} )) " ago" else declare -i date_h=$(( $(( ${date_total_s}-${date_d}*60*60*24 )) /60/60 )) echo "You will demobilization after ${date_d} days and ${date_h} hours. " fi
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#!/bin/bash #program: ## 建立三个文件,文件名的开头由用户指定,其他由今天日期决定,三个文件分别是前天、今天和明天 ## history: ## 2019/8/22 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH echo -e "I will ues 'touch' command to create 3 files." #显示提示信息 read -p "Please input your filename:" fileuser #输入文件名 filename=${fileuser:-"filename"} #利用变量功能分析文件名是否设置,避免用户错误使用【enter】 date1=$(date --date='2 days ago' +%Y%m%d) #读取前天的时间 date2=$(date --date='1 days ago' +%Y%m%d) #读取昨天的时间 date3=$(date +%Y%m%d) #读取今天的时间 file1=${filename}_${date1} #配置三个文件名 file2=${filename}_${date2} file3=${filename}_${date3} touch "${file1}" #建立三个文件 touch "${file2}" touch "${file3}"
#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 用户输入目录名,自动检索该目录内文件并输出文件权限信息 ## history: ## 2019/8/23 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH #先查看这个目录是否存在 read -p "Please input a directory :" dir if [ "${dir}" == "" -o ! -d "${dir}" ]; then echo "The ${dir} is NOT exist in your system." exit 0 fi #开始测试文件 filelist=$( ls ${dir} ) for filename in ${filelist} do perm="" test -r "${dir}/${filename}" && perm="${perm} r" test -w "${dir}/${filename}" && perm="${perm} w" test -x "${dir}/${filename}" && perm="${perm} x" echo "The file ${dir}/${filename}'s permission is ${perm} " done
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#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 输入一个文件名,查询这个文件名是否存在,是否是文件还是目录,并输出相关权限信息,本脚本不建议用root用户执行 ## history: ## 2019/8/22 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH echo -e "Please input a filename,I will check the filename's type and permission. \n\n" read -p "input your filename:" filename #读取键盘输入并赋值变量 test -z ${filename} && echo "you MUST input a filename" && exit 0 #判断用户是否输入文件名并提示 test ! -e ${filename} && echo "The file '${filename}' do not exist!" && exit 0 #判断文件是否存在 test -f ${filename} && filetype="regulare file" #判断文件是否是文件格式 test -d ${filename} && filetype="directory" #判断文件是否为目录 test -r ${filename} && perm="readable" #判断只读 test -w ${filename} && perm="${perm} writable" #判断写 test -x ${filename} && perm="${perm} executable" #判断可执行 echo "The filename:${filename} is a ${filetype}" #输出文件格式 echo "The filename permission for you are:${perm}" #输出文件权限
示例for do done 的用法
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#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 示例for do done 的用法 ## history: ## 2019/8/23 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH for animal in dog pig cat do echo "There are ${animal}s ..." done
#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 程序的文件名是什么,共有几个参数,若参数少于2则告诉用户参数太少,全部的参数内容是什么,第一个参数是什么,第二个参数是什么 ## history: ## 2019/8/22 laugh first ## 2019/8/22 laugh second ## 显示变量的时候$(1)不需要括号 PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH echo "The script name ==> ${0}" echo "Total parameter number is ==> $#" [ "$#" -lt 2 ] && echo "The number of parameter is less then 2. Stop here." && exit 0 echo "Your whole parameter is ==> '$@' " echo "The 1st parameter ==> $1 " echo "The 2nd parameter ==> $2 "
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#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 由用户输入两个整数数字,计算其乘积并输出 ## history: ## 2019/8/22 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH echo -e "Please input 2 int numbers,I will multiplying them !" #显示提示信息 read -p "firstnumber:" first #读取第一个数字 read -p "secondnumber:" second #读取第二个数字 total=$((${first}*${second})) #进行乘法运算 echo -e "\nThe result of ${first}*${second} is ==> ${total}" #输出结果
#!/bin/bash ## program: ## 检测主机的80端口(www服务)、22端口(ssh服务)、21端口(ftp服务)、25端口(mail服务) ## history: ## 2019/8/23 laugh first PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH echo "Now, I will detect your linux server's services!" echo -e "The www, ftp, ssh and mail(smtp) will be detect!" #告知信息 testfile=~/Desktop/netstat_checking.txt netstat -tuln > ${testfile} testing=$(grep ":80 " ${testfile}) if [ "${testing}" != "" ]; then echo "WWW is runing in your system." fi testing=$(grep ":22 " ${testfile}) if [ "${testing}" != "" ]; then echo "SSH is runing in your system." fi testing=$(grep ":21 " ${testfile}) if [ "${testing}" != "" ]; then echo "FTP is runing in your system." fi testing=$(grep ":25 " ${testfile}) if [ "${testing}" != "" ]; then echo "MAIL is runing in your system." fi
让用户输入one two three三个变量,并输出到屏幕上,如果不是,就告知用户其他的选择(function的用法)